Saturday, February 7, 2009


If there is one comfort food worldwide that is generally served when one is sick , it's the ever reliable Chicken Soup, be it with noodle, rice, or some veggies. Each culture has their own distinct way of preparing it.  One common denominator:  the chicken-meat/bones based-broth.  For straight 20 hours, I've been a little down with something. If I was back in the US, my doctor would be somewhat alarmed because of me being diabetic.   Last year was also the first year I never had my semi-annual flu shots.  I won't blame my being slightly sore and sick on not getting my flu-shots, but I remember when I was on active duty, I was always one of the few ones who got priority for getting the shots because of DM Type II.  Studies have shown that diabetics, among other groups (such as babies, and elderlies) are more prone to catching flu especially during change of seasons.  OK, for the sake of argument, I would buy that!
Anyway, with less appetite (considering how big of an eater and a foodie I am), I try not to not eat even if I am not hungry because I have to maintain my blood glucose at normal/acceptable levels.  Too much eating is as bad as not eating at all.  
I am somewhat bedridden since I've spent most of my Saturday in bed, but I found time to prepare Chicken Soup, with a twist.  It's not your traditional chicken noodle soup.  What I did was I fused the American Chicken Soup, the Greek Chicken Soup and the Filipino Goto.
I like the Greek version a lot, but I sometimes crave Goto.  The American Chicken Noodle soup is a bit bland for me, especially the ones that they serve at SouPlantation.   Don't get me wrong, I love SouPlantation, especially their Brocolli Cheddar Cheese Soup.  Sometime in June or July 2008, they featured Mediterranean entrees and served Chicken Avgolemono Orzo Soup which I thought was a head on!
Anyway, here's the Greek version.

Avgolemono Soup with Chicken & Rice
In Greek: κοτόσουπα αυγολέμονο, pronounced ko-TOH-soo-pah av-gho-LEH-mo-no.  This soup is a favorite with Greek families and frequently served as a first course at the holiday table. There are several variations, and the egg-lemon sauce (avgolemono) is so popular that there are some who make a quick soup in the microwave using canned soup or broth, just to have the opportunity to add the avgolemono sauce, which is the crowning glory. It's even much better when you're sick with flu, colds or fever.

1 chicken, 3-4 pounds, cut in pieces
12 cups of water
2 cups of round rice
sea salt
ground pepper
1/4 teaspoon of Greek oregano
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 eggs
juice of 2 lemons
1 tablespoon of water

- Clean chicken and remove skin and fat.
- Place the chicken in a large stock pot and add water. Bring to a full boil. Skim off any foam that rises to the top. When the foam stops, reduce heat, cover the soup and simmer until the chicken meat is falling off the bone, (depending on weight, about 2 hours or more).
-Remove the chicken from the pot and set aside. Strain the broth, return to the pot, and bring to a boil. Add the rice, salt, pepper, oregano, and olive oil. Reduce heat, and simmer until the rice is done, approximately 20 minutes. Remove from the heat.
-While the rice is cooking, bone the chicken and cut the meat into pieces.
-In a mixing bowl, beat or whisk the egg whites until foamy. (If using an electric mixer, use speed 3.) Beat in egg yolks, water, and lemon juice. Fill a measuring cup or coffee cup with hot soup broth and add slowly, beating (or whisking) continuously (the culinary term for this process is called tempering). If the hot liquid is added too quickly, the mixture will curdle. When the mix is fully blended, stir the soup and pour in the egg-lemon mixture slowly. Shake the pot gently to distribute. Do not stir.
-Add the chicken meat to the soup and serve.

I fused it with Goto by sauteeing the chicken meat with garlic and lots of ginger.  Yumm-O!
I made a ginormous pot so I am sure I will be eating this every meal time for the next several days.

WORTHLESS RAMBLINGS FOR THE DAY: You would think that since I am sick that my brain is incapable of shooting out worthless rambling(s).  On the contrary, the joint-pain triggered it. It's been said time and time again that your body is trying to tell you something when you're sick... DUH!  Of course, it is telling you:  YOU ARE SICK, Dumb-ass!   It should tell me beforehand, like a warning, so I knew what to do to avoid it.  It seems as though that every time my body tells me I am sick is when I am already sick!  What the fuck, man?  I could've have prepared Chicken Soup way in advance and hope that it would do wonders and cure me before I got sick.  What's the point of having Chicken Soup when you have neither the appetite nor the taste buds for anything!  It's just simply oxymoron!...Anyway, I am still hoping it would do wonders.  I'm not dying yet, am I?  or am I dead yet?  Is this heaven or hell?  Fuck! with all the pains I have now, it sure IS hell!

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